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How It Began

Over the past several years, my friends and I have led a casual golf league to help our friends and their networks connect and build community. Along the way, we encountered many individuals who wanted to join but faced challenges such as not having clubs, being unable to afford them, or simply not knowing how to get involved. We began by assisting friends and family with beginner sets, hoping to share the same passion for this wonderful game that we have. By the grace of God, we have been able to give away over 20 sets of clubs in the past several years. We believe golf fosters a rich sense of community, connection, and fellowship. It has provided us with countless unforgettable memories, and we’re confident it can offer the same to you!


The Birdie Up Mindset

At the heart of our mission lies the “Birdie Up” mindset, a celebration of resilience and perseverance. Just as golfers face challenges on the course, we believe that life’s obstacles can be transformed into opportunities for growth. “Birdie Up” invites you to reset, overcome adversity, and approach each day with renewed strength and purpose. Join us in cultivating a community where we lift each other up, share our stories, and inspire one another to thrive, both on and off the green. Together, let’s turn trials into triumphs and embrace the journey of personal and collective growth!

  • Practical

    Select clubs that align with your current skill level and playing style

  • Gratifying

    Boost your confidence by choosing clubs that you find visually appealing, comfortable to handle, and enjoyable to use

  • Affordable

    Invest in clubs that fit your lifestyle and goals without breaking the bank


Why We Are Here

Most beginner golfers find buying their first complete set of clubs intimidating, stressful, and expensive. New golfers often struggle to choose clubs that best meet their needs and enhance their game. Our purpose…make the used club buying experience more practical, gratifying, and affordable. We are helping golfers turn the used club buying experience from bogeys2Birdies.



How We Grow The Community

The “Birdie Up” spirit is at the center of everything we do. We are honored to be able to help local charities, ministries, schools, and other non-profit organizations “Birdie Up” their golf equipment by giving 10% of all the clubs we receive back these organizations. Golf invites a life of community, connection, and fellowship and we are committed to inviting as many as we can to the game!